The first question you might ask is, “What is a dental implant?” For those who are not aware, dental implants are replacement teeth that have been crafted out of materials like ceramic to function just like your natural teeth. The ceramic teeth are attached to small titanium rods which are then inserted directly into the jaw in the same sockets that used to contain your missing teeth. The dentist then anchors the rods in and attaches crowns over the implants which mimic the form of your lost teeth as well.
They are an amazing solution, an incredible invention for those who have missing, broken, or rotten teeth. They are more permanent and realistic-looking than dentures, not to mention more comfortable. The problem is, they also happen to be a heck of a lot more expensive. A single implant can cost hundreds of dollars. Multiple implants can cost thousands.
There is good news, however, especially if you’re a senior citizen. There a number of companies out there who offer dental grants to seniors who are in need of better dental care, but lack the funds or resources necessary to achieve it.
These unique grants are essentially free money towards dental work, specifically for dental implants, which are a much better alternative to similarly costed but vastly inefficient dentures. Many grants can even cover the entire cost of the procedure, not only one or two implants.

The Cost Covered
Many American seniors have come to the rather unwelcome realization that dental implants are not really affordable for seniors living on a fixed income. For starters, a single implant can cost between $1,000 and $3,000 and that isn’t even covering the $500 to $3K that the crown itself costs. That means that those needing a great deal of dental work could spend up to $30,000 to perfect their smile.
If you had a dental grant, you might not have to pay a dime! And even if your grant doesn’t cover the entire cost, it can severely cut down on the overall amount.
Too Good to be True
This may sound too good to be true, but we promise that these amazing dental grants are as real as you or me. These grants are designed specifically to assist the downtrodden, those most in need, whose fixed incomes prevent them from getting the repairs they need to live a full and happy life.
Even seniors without dental insurance can take advantage of amazing deals. Dental grants can cover quite a bit of the cost, if not all of it. Despite all these unbelievable advantages, they are actually fairly easy to get; if you know where to look.
Many Options
Dental grants are not widely advertised. Which is to be expected, of course. If they were, everyone would be after them. Surprisingly, even dentists don’t know about all the options available to their patients. Still, if you know what you’re looking for and what is out there, then they’re easy enough to procure.
There are a number of dental grants available for seniors. Some examples of these can be seen below:
Cosmetic Dentistry Grants Organization
One of the grants comes from the folks at the Cosmetic Dentistry Grants (CDG) Organization. Their grant program is available to anyone in need of cosmetic dentistry; which includes dental implants. CDG gives out more than $1 million in these types of grants every year, and you could be lucky enough to qualify.
To qualify for the grant, you’ll need to be assessed by a certified dentist and be eligible for dental implants. You’ll have to lay out the cash for X-rays first, but CDG will reimburse you once you qualify.
Samuel Harris Fund
The Samuel Harris Fund is dispersed to organizations due to their own mitigating considerations. Luckily, they almost always choose those most in need of dental care and assistance. This fund most often gives out grants for mothers and caregivers. They give out more than $100,000 a year, usually to organizations that meet their own requirements.
The ADA Foundation’s Access to Care Grants
Finally, there are the ADA Foundation grants, which are available via a multitude of different organizations, groups, and other American Dental Association-related programs. Many of these grants are specifically designed for seniors, so qualifying for them is actually pretty easy.
The Best Smile You Once Had
Ultimately though, any of these programs are perfect for getting you the dental work you need without breaking the bank. More and more seniors are finding that they too can reclaim their lost lost smiles and get the realistic, functional, lifelike teeth they once had; all without going broke.
If you’re interested in looking into these grants, you can start by searching online. Look for grants in your region or search by age, dental needs, or even the circumstances of your financial situation.