Heart disease, or more broadly known as cardiovascular disease, is one of the leading causes of death for both men and women. According to the American Heart Association, 2,300 Americans die every day from complications related to cardiovascular disease. As the leading cause of death in the US, it accounts for roughly 1 of every 3 fatalities.[1] But the biggest problem is that most people are unaware of which foods affect their risk of heart disease, and increase their likelihood of a heart attack.
If you’re experiencing any of the warning signs of heart disease, your symptoms could actually be the precursor of a deadly heart attack — and it’s important to know which foods can increase your risk. Understanding the symptoms of cardiovascular disease, as well as knowing which foods are heart-friendly, will help you to decrease your likelihood of a heart attack in the future.
30. Cold Cuts
Everyone loves a good deli sandwich, and there’s no doubt that cold cuts make a convenient and tasty meal on the go, but these delicious deli meats sometimes contain unbelievable amounts of sodium. Cold cuts contribute about 250 milligrams of sodium per slice, so a sammie with at least three or four slices of deli meat equates to 1,000 milligrams of sodium in the meat alone.[2] Breads and condiments don’t help either, but we’ll get to those later.
29. Cheese
If you ask 100 Americans what their favorite snack food is, 85 will tell you cheese. While delicious, cheese is the single biggest contributor of saturated fat to the American diet. This type of fat stores itself in the stomach and affects the cardiovascular system like nothing else. And if you thought cottage cheese was safe, you’re mistaken: just one cup can carry almost 700 milligrams of salt.[3]
28. Canned Vegetables
We may think that eating more vegetables will help improve our overall health, and in most cases, at least when it comes to fresh veggies, we’d be right. The exception to this rule are vegetables that come out of a can. They may be packed with vitamins, but they also contain a lot of sodium, which is used by manufacturers to preserve the tasty niblets. So look for “low sodium” cans and always be sure to rinse the veggies before eating.
27. Tomato Sauce
Another canned delicacy that we use in much of our everyday cooking is tomato sauce. One can of the crimson condiment contains a whopping 830 milligrams of sodium[4]. For comparison, that’s like eating 97 Cheez-Its snack bites. As with canned veggies, you can find “low sodium” added jars of sauce as an alternative. Look for cans labeled with fewer than 350 milligrams of sodium per half-cup serving.
26. Frozen Pie
Baking a pie isn’t an easy task. And some of us are guilty of taking the shortcut of using a pre-made frozen pie instead of cooking one from scratch. What many people don’t know about these sweet treats though, is that they contain more trans-fats than almost anything else in the supermarket. Marie Callender’s Lattice Apple Pie, for example, packs three grams of trans-fats per slice. That’s not good for anyone’s ticker.
25. Frozen Meals
In the same supermarket freezer are one of the saltiest foods you’ll ever find: frozen TV dinners. Even the healthiest options contain upwards of 700 milligrams (half a day’s worth), of sodium.[5] Yes, they’re convenient, but is convenience really worth calcifying our arteries? To avoid this, look for meals with less than 500 milligrams of sodium per serving.
24. Coffee Creamer
Americans love coffee, but many of us eschew the traditionally black brew for a bit of added flavor. Unfortunately, those of us who prefer our coffee with all the bells and whistles are consuming more sugar and trans-fats than we realize. Traditional coffee creamers hide these fats under their less popular name: hydrogenated oil. Use regular milk and sugar if you don’t like your coffee black.
23. Blended Coffees
This may not come as much of a surprise, but blended coffee drinks like Frappuccinos and Dunkaccinos are among the most fattening beverages we can consume. These sugary confections are laced with syrup, sugar, whipped cream, and other toppings. Many can have the same amount of calories and fat as a milkshake, and often have more. If you want a bit of added flavor in your coffee, add cinnamon instead.
22. Butter and Margarine
Another somewhat obvious food to avoid is everyone’s favorite spread: Butter. Now, we must understand that butter, in general, isn’t as bad as its reputation. It can be good for digestion, but it does contain more fats than a normal person needs. Worse than butter, however, are butter alternatives like margarine, which are made with partially-hydrogenated oils, or trans fats.
21. Ketchup
We don’t realize it, but when it comes to regulating blood pressure and heart health, we have to look at everything we’re eating, even the condiments we use. Ketchup, the “catch-all” condiment, for example, contains around 167 milligrams of sodium per tablespoon, and a fair amount of sugar.[6] Scaling back on these condiments can help lower blood pressure and help us taste more of our food and less of our ketchup.
20. Bouillon Cubes
Typically, when we’re cooking soup we reach for an extra bouillon cube, for an extra dose of flavor. Unfortunately, all bouillon cubes are made of are sodium and chemically concocted flavorings like monosodium glutamate (MSG). MSG doesn’t just increase appetite, it tells our bodies to pump out the fat-storing hormone insulin. A healthier alternative would be to make our own flavor stock from fresh ingredients.
19. Fruit Juice
Fruit juice is natural, packed with Vitamin C, and delicious, but it also contains up to 36 grams of sugar per cup.[7] For comparison, that’s about the same as four Krispy Kreme glazed donuts. If we’re looking for something healthier, there are much better options than bottled fruit juice. Instead of store bought, try squeezing your own juice or adding orange slices or berries to your water for a fruity, hydrating treat that won’t hurt your heart.
18. Diet Soda
Despite the many effective ad campaigns and catchy commercials we’ve been treated to over the years, there’s no getting around the fact that Diet Soda isn’t the miracle beverage they want us to think it is. No soda is good for you, but diet soda, which has no calories, is loaded with strange additives that can affect our digestive system in the long run. It can also trick our bodies into thinking we can eat more.
17. Ice Cream
Ice cream is a delicious treat on a hot summer day, but it’s also a hefty source of Cholesterol, and not the good kind. One cup of certain Ben and Jerry’s ice cream flavors, for example, can contain 130 grams of Cholesterol.[8] If that sounds like a lot, it’s because it is. We know it’s difficult (if not impossible) to cut out ice cream entirely, but we should keep this phrase in mind: “everything in moderation.” Especially when it comes to our heart health.
16. Biscuits
There’s some bad news for those of us that love buttery baked biscuits: they aren’t good for our hearts. This should come as no surprise, especially to those who read the butter section above, but many brands of biscuit mix are full of trans fats that can wreak havoc on the heart. Instead of these, we suggest English muffins labeled with 0 trans fats.
15. Bacon and Sausage
If the breakfast biscuits weren’t already a gut-punch, then we’ve got some more bad news, bacon and sausage aren’t all that great for us either. Like their partners in crime, the cold cuts, many of these heavily processed meats contain nitrates, a preservative that interferes with the body’s natural ability to process sugar. They are also loaded with sodium which can affect blood pressure in a harmful way.
14. White Rice
While most whole grains can reduce our risk of dying of heart disease by nearly 20 percent, refined grains are a whole other animal. Many of these highly-processed grains, such as white rice, have been stripped of their nutrients in the bargain and can actually have an adverse effect on heart health. A recent study shows that those who ate the most white rice were at greatest risk for type-2 diabetes.
13. Chinese Food
This one hits close to home, because we love Chinese food, but it’s not a great option for those worried about their heart. Many options at these restaurants contain sugary sauces and deep-fried breading. Many dishes are packed with calories, sugar, sodium, and even trans fats. The best way to avoid this and still enjoy is to ask for the sauce on the side of steamed meat and veggies, that way we can control our flavor intake without going crazy.
12. Beef Jerky
Salted beef has been a staple of sailors and hiking enthusiasts for centuries. Yet, while it’s free of any refined grains and packed with protein, it’s also packed full of popular preservative: salt. Even an ounce serving can contain more than 700 milligrams of it.[9] It may be better for our tastebuds than trail mix, but not necessarily our hearts.
11. Fried Chicken
Next we have one of America’s all-time favorite comfort foods: fried chicken. This crispy delicious offering is something that everyone should eat in moderation (remember “everything in moderation”), and most people know that already. What they don’t know, however, is that a four ounces of fried chicken with the skin included have as much cholesterol as 11 strips of bacon.[9] Food for thought.
10. French Fries
If you’re concerned with heart health, steer clear of french fries. While tasty, french fries are a simple carbohydrate that can spike blood sugar levels. French fries are also often deep fried in oil and covered in salt, which can raise the bad type of cholesterol.
9. Steak
Fattier cuts of steak like Ribeye, T-bone, and New York Strip contain high amounts of saturated fat that clog arteries and increases your risk of heart disease. For a healthier heart and waistline, choose leaner cuts of steak like top sirloin or London broil.
8. Pizza
Pizza is covered in sauce, cheese, and oil, which can all put stress on the heart. In fact, most slices of pizza contain half the suggested daily intake of saturated fat.
7. Potato Chips
Potato chips are full of saturated fat and are extremely high in sodium. Together, the ingredients increase cholesterol and raise blood pressure. Over time, this can cause arteries to narrow, harden, and become clogged.
6. Cottage Cheese
Just a single cup of cottage cheese can contain around 700 milligrams, or more than a third of the recommended daily intake, of salt. To keep your heart healthy, choose a cottage cheese that has no salt added.
5. Fast-Food burgers
While high-quality grass-fed beef can be beneficial to your health when eaten in moderation, fast-food burgers are almost always made with low-quality oils and ingredients as well as cooking methods that are bad for the heart.
4. Cereal
While cereal is a breakfast staple in the United States, many are extremely high in sugar. Not only does it cause inflammation and make blood sugar spike, but when blood sugar levels crash shortly after, you’ll be left craving even more sugar during the day.
3. Hot Dogs
Like other processed meats, hot dogs should not be eaten regularly. Not only are they packed with additives and preservatives, but they are high in salt and have been linked to higher rates of heart disease.
2. Salad Dressing
While choosing a salad is a great way to get leafy greens and vegetables into your diet, salad dressing and sauces are often packed with sugar and salt. Those ingredients increase blood pressure, cause increased fat storage, and increase the risk of cardiovascular disease.
1. Baked Goods
Baked goods like cookies, cakes, pastries, and pies might be delicious, but they should be enjoyed in moderation. The sweet treat is high in sugar and is likely made with saturated or trans fats, which can lead to clogged arteries, hypertension, and even heart failure.
1 American Heart Association, Key Heart Statistics 2Very Well Fit, Truth Behind Deli Meat 3 Food Facts, Is Cottage Cheese Good For You? 4Nutrition Data, Tomato Sauce Facts 5NBC News, Defrost Your Diet 6Calorie King, Heinz Ketchup 7Health Line, Fruit Juice Isn’t What It Seems 8Pop Sugar, Ben & Jerry’s 9Jack Links, Nutrition Facts 10HealthLine, Piece By Piece