Which Is The Cutest Animal In The World? Our Top 10

Which Is The Cutest Animal In The World? Our Top 10

How do you define the cuteness appeal of an animal?

In 2006, The New York Times reported that by combining the results of several studies, they had arrived at this definition: “cute images stimulate the same pleasure centers of the brain aroused by sex, a good meal, or psychoactive drugs like cocaine.”

And this highlights the problem of claiming that only one animal can be THE cutest animal in the world.

In the same way that people enjoy different foods, “recreational relaxants,” and different positions, they also have different opinions about what is “cute.”

To deal with this problem, our Life Daily team decided to pick 10 animals having different cuteness appeal.

Browse our list to see if your cutest animal in the world is among them:

1. Fennec Fox

The Fennec fox is a sandy nocturnal desert fox.

It is the smallest of the foxes – even smaller than the domestic cat – and has oversized ears like pumpkin leaves. With its tiny pointed face, the Fennec fox looks adorable.

2. Giant Panda

Almost everyone’s favorite – probably! The black and white coloring, fat butt and the way they chew their bamboo, are qualities that make the giant panda so charming.

According to the World Wide Fund for Nature (whose logo is a stylized panda) there are only about 1,600 pandas left in the wild.

3. Harp Seal

Harp seal babies are covered in a downy, snowy white fur and have been prized by the fur industry, for their fluffy white pelts.

It’s no coincidence that many animals classified as cute also happen to be threatened, vulnerable, or an endangered species.

4. Bottlenose Dolphin

Not exactly cuddlesome, but cute nevertheless.

In captivity, bottlenose dolphins are recognized for their intelligence and therapeutic qualities – and swimming with dolphins is supposedly good for one’s mental health. However, in the wild dolphins can get aggressive and form gangs.

5. Chinchilla

This rodent is indigenous to South America.The chinchilla offers the perfect example of how dangerous it can be to be too cuddly. In the 19th century, the chinchilla was hunted almost to extinction for its plush pelts.

Interesting note: While humans have one hair per follicle, the chinchilla has 50.

6. Penguin

The epitome of cuteness, these squat, aquatic birds with their sleek, debonair coats endear themselves to everyone.

There are 17 species of penguins in the world. Their usual coloring is black and white, and while none can fly, they are excellent swimmers, and they run well too!

7. Koala

Another example of unbelievable cuteness, but Koalas aren’t as sweet as they look. Experts say that the Koala’s behavior varies between mildly cranky to downright bad-tempered.

Which only goes to prove that, just as in life, good looks can blind us to severe personality flaws.

8. Meerkat

Meerkats are a type of mongoose that live in the deserts of southern Africa.

The appeal of Meerkats is the way they stand; the human-like upright pose with paws gathered demurely at the front.

9. Slow Loris

This cute animal lives in the tropical jungles of Southeast Asia, and is notable for its plush but strong limbs and big wide-eyed stare. In spite of its huggable appearance, this animal is venomous.

The venom comes from a gland in the elbow and is ejected through the teeth – Dracula style!

10. Sloth

The sloth is found in the rain forests of South America. Its name has been taken to represent one of the deadly sins. But sloths aren’t lazy. They’re just really, really slow.

Actually, so slow that algae has been known to grow on their coats! But it’s that relaxed, unhurried attitude that makes them so endearing.

Did you find your personal cutest animal in the world on our list?

Do you have a favorite animal we missed?

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